Supporting Businesses & Facilitating Community Development
Mt. Baker Chamber
The Mt. Baker Chamber of Commerce was formed in 1982 to support business and build community in the East Whatcom region of Whatcom County in Washington State. Membership is offered to businesses, as well as residents, interested in supporting local businesses and Chamber projects.
In acknowledgment of the many amazing people in our community that re members or allies of the LGBTQ+ community, and to actively resist bigotry, hate and the marginalization of any member of our community. We wish to make it clear that:
We believe, Black Lives Matter, No Human is Illegal, Love is Love, Women’s Rights are Human Rights, Science is Real, and that Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere.
Become a Member!
Basic Membership
$80 annually
A listing on our website and in the Mt. Baker Local Resource Guide.
Supporting Membership
$150 annually
A priority listing (before basic members) on our website and in the Mt Baker Local Resource Guide.
A 5” x 2” (quarter page) full color ad in the Local Resource Guide.
Sustaining Membership
$300 annually
A priority listing (before basic and supporting members) on our website and in the Mt. Baker Local Resource Guide.
A 5” x 2” (quarter page) full color ad in the Local Resource Guide.
Premium Membership
$500 annually
A priority listing (before basic, supporting and sustaining members) on our website and in the Mt. Baker Local Resource Guide.
A 5” x 8” (full page) full color ad in the Local Resource Guide.
All Mt. Baker Chamber Members are also entitled to:
Business Support Services are available including notary, printing and laminating. We cannot send a fax.
Bring us your promotional materials and we’ll display them in our visitor Center, we make recommendations to over 6000 people every year!
If you don’t have promotional material for your business we’d be delighted to work with your to make some. We use Adobe Creative Suite software to create business cards, brochures, rack cards, and more for our members.
Every member is invited to provide is with information and images to post on our website. We’ll add a link back to your website.
We will include your business n our Mt. Baker Local Resource Guide. This booklet is edited frequently so that it’s as up to date as possible. We print them in house in small batches to keep them current. If you would like us to print some for you just let us know, we’d be happy to provide them.
We will invite you to our Annual Chamber Party! WE hold a brief business meeting, eat, and visit with one another. We’ll provide the food and drink, you are invited to donate a fun door prize.
Each year we collect monetary donations to support the foothills Food Bank and the Winter and Spring Pantry programs. These programs provide needed food to folks in our community who can really use it.
Board of Directors
The Chamber Board of Directors meets once per month on the second Tuesday at 6 o’clock in the Maple Falls Town Hall. Members and visitors are welcome, please contact Rebecca if you’d like to make a presentation.
Paul Engle, President
Wild & Scenic River Tours
Baker Bus Ski & Snowboard Club
Jim Green, Treasurer
North Fork Brewery
John Okan, Board Member
Edward Jones
Kandi Camacho, Vice President
Pacific Pines Properties
Cheryl Thompson, Board Member
Community Member
Mt. Baker Visitor Center
The Mt. Baker Visitor Center is located in the Maple Falls Town Hall, 7509 Mt. Baker Hwy., in Maple Falls. Open daily from 10 am to 4 pm. Staff and volunteers are on hand to answer questions and provide suggestions to travelers and locals alike. You are invited to come in a see us, explore our Art Gallery, purchase maps, posters, art, and gifts. We are a WDFW dealer and can sell Hunting & Fishing licenses as well as Discover Passes. Seasonally we have Northwest Forest passes, SnoPark permits and Christmas Tree cutting permits.
Meet our Staff!
Rebecca Boonstra, Lead Solutions Supervisor
Sonya Buckner, Principal Functionality Engineer
Diane Sikes, Vice President of Dog Treats
Mt. Baker Highway Clean Up
Each spring and fall the Chamber organizes a team of volunteer to clean up litter along Mt. Baker Hwy. Volunteers are needed and appreciated! The Baker Bus delivers volunteers to different sections of the highway and we provide lunch afterword at a local restaurant. Want to join the fun? Contact Sonya and she’ll put you on the list.
Mt. Baker Local Resource Guide
Produced in the Mt. Baker Visitor Center, the Mt. Baker Local Resource Guide is our local directory of Businesses in the East Whatcom Region. It features members of the Chamber alongside other notable local businesses and community resources. Supporting, Sustaining and Premium members receive a free full color ad in the Guide with their membership dues.